When Is the Grass Actually Greener?

When is the grass actually greener? Nurture yourself. Don’t compare yourself to others. be Happy now.

Happy Warrior,

Change is in the air... whether welcome or unwelcome, it's likely to bring up feelings, and maybe even some resistance. Which begs the question, how does one experience change gracefully?

Every change comes with trade-offs, but at the end of the day, the grass is greener where you nurture it. It's all about leaning in and embracing uncertainty.

3 Questions to Nurture Yourself Through Change:

  • What are you feeling?: whatever emotions are coming up as a result of the changes, don't judge your feelings or yourself for having the feelings; allow every feeling to be honored. Feel it, acknowledge it, and know that it is temporary. Good or bad, feelings always pass.

  • What's the opportunity?: with every change comes new opportunities. When things shift, new open spaces are revealed. What opportunities are available to you now which were not available before? New relationships, exercise routines, spaces to decorate, etc.

  • What do you want?: whenever you change your life system, it's the perfect time to reset and get intentional about what matters most to you. Which goals are more achievable now than before? Which goals made sense before and now need to be placed on the back burner?

The more you nurture yourself, the greener your grass becomes... no matter the change, no matter the situation.

Choose Love,


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