Are You Listening To Your Gut!

Are you listening to your gut? intuition, red flags, how to listen to your intuition, follow a gut feeling

Happy Warrior,

How do you know if you are listening to your gut, also known as your intuition, when faced with an everyday decision? Usually you will have a gut feeling right away. It's like a flash of clarity that something does or doesn't "feel" right. 

Oftentimes when it doesn't "feel" right, you might try to ignore it because, in that moment, you want what you want. You might try to jump through hoops or make excuses to override the red flags so as not to be disappointed. This is actually your ego pushing you to act out of lack and fear. 

When your intuition is telling you "no," what's really happening? You may feel a sudden tightness in your chest or body, and a feeling that something is "off." This is almost always about alignment and protection. You are about to make a choice that is out of alignment with your personal goals and values, and your intuition is stepping in to protect and guide you. 

It's not always easy to know whether you're operating from ego or intuition, but learning to listen to your intuition is like a muscle that you can build with practice. Each time you slow down and listen to these feelings, you are strengthening your ability to hear your intuition with more clarity, and you will feel stronger and more confident overall.

The next time you notice a red flag, slow down, listen, and trust. Your intuition is trying to tell you something.

Choose Love,


Jami Bertini

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