Stop Drop & Pivot

“Goals are just habits you’ve shown up for”

-Happy Warrior

Happy Warrior,

Spring is in full bloom. The sun is shining, the trees are budding, and birds are even heard chirping in Times Square. That must be a first. 

With the new season you may feel an eagerness to start blooming yourself. So what does that look like in the current landscape?

It looks like a Positive Pivot. A Positive Pivot means reimagining what’s possible right now and for the rest of 2020. 

3 Tips to Stop, Drop & Pivot:

  • Rewrite or revisit those goals that got derailed in early 2020.

  • Determine the habits and actions to get moving on those goals.

  • Create a plan of action with start dates, milestones, and goal dates.

This year has been hard enough, so keep your goals clear and simple. Have a clear vision for what you want and a simple plan for getting there. Make them attainable!

Most importantly, be kind to yourself and others. 

You are a Happy Warrior.



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