Let’s Get Real

"You're the author of your life. Write your own story."
Happy Warrior

Happy Warrior,

Sh*t's getting real. Not only is day-to-day life like a dystopian futuristic sci-fi flick, but a trip to the grocery store has become a threat to humanity.

To top it off, you may find yourself having vivid dreams and randomly reminiscing about days and relationships gone by.

Where is this coming from and what can you do with it?

Old feelings and grievances may be unknowingly stuck in your mind, body, spirit, and can be triggered by new events. 

When old feelings are activated it can be an amazing opportunity to dig into those feelings, explore them, and ultimately let them go. 

Journaling... No other self-care practice will help you process through your thoughts and feelings better than journaling. Your words have power.

So create a new Google doc, dust off an old journal you have lying around, or treat yourself to one of our Reflection Journals from Amazon

Acknowledge it. Feel it. Release it.


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