Tiger’s Eye - The Crystal For Courage

Happy Warrior,

What a crazy week, month, year... Whew! There's a lot of uncertainty and we're running out of steam. Who couldn't use a little stability and courage right now?

Stay Grounded and Choose Love.

In the spirit of grounding ourselves in stability and courage for what's to come, this month's crystal spotlight is the Tiger's Eye Sphere. Tiger's Eye grounds you in the earth's energy and enhances your personal power, so that you can go out into the world as the bold confident badass that you are!

Tiger's Eye Sphere Helps Happy Warriors To...

  • Shift Your Perspective

  • Open Blocked Creativity

  • Resolve Internal Conflicts

  • Support the Needs of Others

  • Take Care of Your Own Needs

  • Create a Deeper Sense of Self-Worth

  • Accomplish Anything You Set Your Mind To

  • Make Positive Change with Addictive Behavior

We have Tiger's Eye Spheres for sale in the Happy Warrior Shop.

Thank you to all of our Veterans for serving our country with courage!
Choose Love,


Jami Bertini

A do-it-yourself personal development destination for people who want to take their game up a notch, build their self-confidence, and be a little happier.


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