Overthinking... and How to Stop

overthinking and how to stop

Want To Stop Overthinking?

"Free your mind and the rest will follow." - Happy Warrior

Happy Warrior,

Do you ever feel like you're spinning and rehashing the same conversation over and over with yourself and others? Or maybe you tend to procrastinate or have a hard time making decisions? These are classic examples of "overthinking."

Overthinking can lead to stress, anxiety, insomnia, relationship problems, and overall unhappiness. It can also lead you to try to force an outcome that may not be in alignment with who you are and what you truly want.

How can you be in alignment with who you are while still moving forward? 

Stop, Breathe
Take a breath, and accept that you are overthinking.

You will figure this out; the answers will come. This is an opportunity to dig a little deeper and break this pattern.

Loose Grip
Approaching life with a loose grip is to remember this is just a learning journey, and it's all happening FOR you.

Be patient with yourself; this doesn't happen overnight. Each time you break the pattern of overthinking, you take another step toward freeing your mind from your ego, and taking your life to the next level.

Choose Love,
John & Jami

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