Are You A Happy Warrior?

Are You A Happy Warrior, walk through life peacefully, manage your emotions, manage stress and anxiety, be happy, live a life you love

Need Help Finding Inner Peace an Happiness?

Happy Warrior,

Happiness is not just a feeling; it’s a mindset and a way of life. It means making a choice to accept and be grateful for ourselves and the people around us. It means that we choose to be purposeful and thoughtful in all areas of our lives. And it means that we are choosing to see how life might actually be happening for us, instead of to us.

A Happy Warrior is a person who navigates life with intention, kindness, and courage. A Happy Warrior fights the good fight of choosing love over fear, over and over again. Choosing to operate from love is simple, but not easy. The further a Happy Warrior travels on their journey, the more elaborate the life lessons become. A Happy Warrior doesn’t give up; they keep growing and evolving.

Happy Warriors travel through life gently; they don’t force life to happen. Instead, they allow life to unfold. They listen to their heads and their hearts and make decisions based on logic, as well as what feels right inside of them. Happy Warriors experience the challenges of life just like everyone else, but they handle the challenges, feel their feelings, and they make happiness and love their true north.

Happiness is not something we can buy or sell, and it’s not acquired through a particular accomplishment or event. Happiness is inside each one of us and can be ours at any moment when we decide to embrace it. There is plenty of Happiness for everyone; it never runs out. Happiness is a choice. And the choice is yours.

This is what it means to choose happiness. This is what it means to empower yourself and walk the path of a Happy Warrior.

Choose Love,


You have just read an excerpt from our groundbreaking book, Happy Warrior, which we published one year ago on the International Day of Happiness, March 20, 2020. Buy your own copy of Happy Warrior today!

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