Achieving Happiness and Inner Peace

Achieving a sense of happiness and inner peace is a mindset, not just a fleeting feeling. While most people often look to achieve grand goals and then allow themselves to be happy, there is a way to achieve happiness and inner peace even at the frantic pace of our modern world. Yes, even with the nonstop notifications, phone ringing, and constant stream of information that can overwhelm you and fracture your attention. The truth is that happiness and inner peace don’t require complete silence and calm. You can find happiness by shifting your thoughts and giving yourself acceptance.

While you juggle life, it might feel like you aren’t genuinely experiencing it. If you need to realign your thinking, we have exercises here at Selfscription to focus your energy and help you shape your life. Embrace your inner happiness and peace using these simple tools to reframe your thinking!

What Keeps You Stuck?

Inner peace is about being in control of your thinking. You’ll find there are stagnant feelings that build up from adverse life experiences that sit heavy in our thoughts. These thoughts bubble up multiple times a day. Grievances block our energy with thoughts like:

  • Am I good or intelligent enough to achieve this goal?

  • Can I handle this problem?

  • What will happen in the future?

If you stagnate in these thinking cycles, they become a comfort zone. Inner negative self-talk creates mental patterns that keep you from the calm inner peace you want. To shift your thoughts out of this pattern, you must recognize when it happens and choose something new to think about instead. 

No one is perfect, but you can decide whether to hold onto an experience or let it go. You have choices in how you respond to situations; you always do! You are in control of your emotions. When you are stuck in negative thought cycles, it is time to take a moment for introspection and ask yourself: What is going on inside me right now that keeps me from my best life?

Understanding where your energy is going is part of understanding what keeps you stuck in negative thoughts. Figure out your energy exchange with the Happy Warrior Choices & R.O.I exercise. Want to read more about What Keeps You Stuck?

Learn To Let Go

When you’re overwhelmed by the constant bustle of our society, you can lose sight of who you want to be and who you are. Many people in despair lose touch with their Core Values. Learning to let go of frustrating feelings and take control of your happiness and inner peace isn’t always easy. However, you can find peace by weighing your core values against where you are putting in your time and energy.

If you figure out what your Core Values are, it’s easier to put your energy into the situations that align with them. It takes courage to say no to conditions that take away your power. When you’re not investing in the things that you believe matter, it’s time to re-evaluate your priorities before it becomes too much to handle.

Struggling With Overthinking?

Ruminating in your thoughts can develop into a harmful cycle of self-doubt and spiraling. When we contemplate, instead of facing troubles courageously, sometimes we put them off due to anxiety and the expectation of an unpleasant experience.

If you’ve been stuck too long in this pattern, you need to accept that you are overthinking. It can become habitual to assume that every new experience might be unpleasant. Don’t fall into the trap of feeling anxious or fearful about a situation you haven’t experienced yet. Trust that you are strong enough to figure this out and that the answers will come.

Are You A Happy Warrior?

If you struggle to achieve happiness and inner peace and want to make a fundamental change, Selfscription life coaching is for you. From our simple Happy Warrior products that guide your journey to our 1:1 coaching sessions with a certified life coach, Selfscription is here to help you find happiness and inner peace.

Our guided Happiness and Peace PDF series help you live life differently by allowing you to see yourself differently through self-discovery exercises. Use the power of your thoughts to transform your life and discover what you can achieve by being a Happy Warrior. Imagine how your life can change with happiness and inner peace, then reach out and take control!

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