5 Steps to get to the Next Level

Happy Warrior,

As you're rounding the corner into the last stretch of winter, you might be thinking about the warmer months, who you want to be and how you want to feel. The key is to not bite off too much too fast! Set realistic, achievable goals and break them down into manageable actions. Here are 5 simple steps to get ahead of your goals and make them a reality:

  • Step 1: The Goal - what do you want?

  • Step 2: The Plan - how do you get there? 

  • Step 3: Get Started -  how can you show up gently?

  • Step 4: Keep It Going - how can you turn up the heat?

  • Step 5: The Finish Line: how will you celebrate?

These 5 steps are applicable to any area of your life: health, money, career, relationships, or even just having more fun. Keep it simple! Change takes time. Just show up, be kind and encouraging to yourself, and slowly build on the new habits, one at a time, to create even more of a life you love. 

Go get em!

Choose Love,


Jami Bertini

A do-it-yourself personal development destination for people who want to take their game up a notch, build their self-confidence, and be a little happier.


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