Make Your Dreams Come True in 2020 // Self-Care Rituals

"How you start your day is how you live your day. 
How you live your day is how you live your life."

- Louise Hay

Now that you're being kinder to yourself,
which Self-Care Rituals can you implement in 2020
to reflect how you want to live your life?

Meditation, prayer, yoga, journaling, exercise,
gratitude, daily planning, reviewing your goals...

Self-Care Rituals can take as little as 5 minutes.
Start your morning getting grounded and energized.
Wrap-Up your evening reflecting and planning.

Wild happiness and success are on the horizon.

Happy New Year!


Need Help Setting Boundaries for Self-Care?

Jami Bertini

A do-it-yourself personal development destination for people who want to take their game up a notch, build their self-confidence, and be a little happier.

Make Your Dreams Come True in 2020 // The Power of Habits


Make Your Dreams Come True in 2020 // Affirmations